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Synonyms, definition Thong

28 synonyms
5 definitions
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1. thong (Noun) Austral, N. Amer

28 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. band 83.2 4 letters 114 synonyms
2. belt 26.3 4 letters 75 synonyms
3. binding 13.8 7 letters 80 synonyms
4. bond 38.9 4 letters 115 synonyms
5. cane 5.75 4 letters 26 synonyms
6. chain 44.7 5 letters 88 synonyms
7. cord 9.55 4 letters 51 synonym
8. cordon 1.38 6 letters 16 synonyms
9. deadly weapon 10.2 12 letters 5 synonyms
10. fetter 0.13 6 letters 38 synonyms
11. flip-flop 2.95 8 letters 13 synonyms
12. g-string 20.1 7 letters 1 synonym
13. garrote 0.08 7 letters 9 synonyms
14. girdle 0.65 6 letters 40 synonyms
15. harness 4.68 7 letters 51 synonym
16. headband 1 8 letters 17 synonyms
17. jandal 0.02 6 letters 2 synonyms
18. lash 2.4 4 letters 77 synonyms
19. ribbon 6.46 6 letters 33 synonyms
20. roden.synonym.one 13.8 3 letters 72 synonyms
21. rope 11.5 4 letters 49 synonyms
22. scourge 1.55 7 letters 72 synonyms
23. stick 57.5 5 letters 159 synonyms
24. stranglehold 0.39 12 letters 7 synonyms
25. strap 6.17 5 letters 61 synonym
26. strip 22.9 5 letters 133 synonyms
27. tag 27.5 3 letters 74 synonyms
28. tie 32.4 3 letters 128 synonyms
5 definitions
thong (Noun) —   Leather strip that forms the flexible part of a whip
thong (Noun) —   Underpants resembling a G-string; worn by women especially under very tight pants 1 example
1. ex. "she wore thongs in her quest for the callipygian ideal"
thong (Noun) —   A thin strip of leather; often used to lash things together
thong (Noun) —   Minimal clothing worn by stripteasers; a narrow strip of fabric that covers the pubic area, passes between the thighs, and is supported by a waistband
thong (Noun) —   A backless sandal held to the foot by a thong between the big toe and the second toe
8 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. leather strip 12 letters 0 synonyms
2. pants 5 letters 16 synonyms
3. sandal 6 letters 0 synonyms
4. underdacks 10 letters 4 synonyms
5. underdaks 9 letters 4 synonyms
6. underpants 10 letters 4 synonyms
7. undershorts 11 letters 4 synonyms
8. woman's clothing 15 letters 0 synonyms
1 part of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. whip 4 letters 112 synonyms
8 misspelling
hong thhong thomg thon thongg thonng thoong tthong
With the same ending
All synonyms in one line
band, belt, binding, bond, cane, en.synonym.one, chain, cord, cordon, deadly weapon, fetter, flip-flop, g-string, garrote, girdle, harness, headband, jandal, lash, ribbon, rod, rope, scourge, stick, stranglehold, strap, en.synonym.one, strip, tag, tie.
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