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Synonyms, definition Research lab

5 synonyms
1 definition
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1. research lab (Noun)

5 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. lab 26.3 3 letters 5 synonyms
2. laboratory 20.4 10 letters 6 synonyms
3. research laboratory 18.8 18 letters 5 synonyms
4. science lab 21.9 10 letters 5 synonyms
5. science laboratory 17.7 17 letters 5 synonyms
1 definition
research lab (Noun) —   A workplace for the conduct of scientific research
2 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. work 4 letters 204 synonyms
2. workplace 9 letters 1 synonym
9 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. bio lab 6 letters 2 synonyms
2. biology lab 10 letters 2 synonyms
3. biology laboratory 17 letters 2 synonyms
4. chem lab 7 letters 2 synonyms
5. chemistry lab 12 letters 2 synonyms
6. chemistry laboratory 19 letters 2 synonyms
7. defense laboratory 17 letters 0 synonyms
8. physics lab 10 letters 1 synonym
9. physics laboratory 17 letters 1 synonym
2 parts
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. lab bench 8 letters 1 synonym
2. laboratory bench 15 letters 1 synonym
All synonyms in one line
lab, laboratory, research laboratory, science lab, science laboratory, en.synonym.one.
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