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Synonyms, definition Politics

4 synonyms
5 definitions
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1. politics (Noun)

4 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. government 372 10 letters 62 synonyms
2. political relation 18.5 17 letters 1 synonym
3. political science 78.7 16 letters 3 synonyms
4. political sympathies 1.68 19 letters 1 synonym
5 definitions
politics (Noun) —   Social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or power 1 example
1. ex. "office politics is often counterproductive"
politics (Noun) —   (government) the study of government of states and other political units
politics (Noun) —   The profession devoted to governing and to political affairs
politics (Noun) —   The opinion you hold with respect to political questions
politics (Noun) —   The activities and affairs involved in managing a state or a government 2 examples
1. ex. "unemployment dominated the politics of the inter-war years"
2. ex. "government agencies multiplied beyond the control of representative politics"
10 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. activity 8 letters 42 synonyms
2. affairs 7 letters 13 synonyms
3. opinion 7 letters 110 synonyms
4. persuasion 10 letters 63 synonyms
5. profession 10 letters 56 synonyms
6. sentiment 9 letters 48 synonyms
7. social relation 14 letters 0 synonyms
8. social science 13 letters 0 synonyms
9. thought 7 letters 130 synonyms
10. view 4 letters 133 synonyms
3 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. geopolitics 11 letters 0 synonyms
2. practical politics 17 letters 1 synonym
3. realpolitik 11 letters 1 synonym
38 on topics
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. assassin 8 letters 8 synonyms
2. assassinator 12 letters 2 synonyms
3. bolt 4 letters 101 synonym
4. bravo 5 letters 2 synonyms
5. cabal 5 letters 34 synonyms
6. catechism 9 letters 0 synonyms
7. civilisation 12 letters 16 synonyms
8. civilization 12 letters 16 synonyms
9. coattails effect 15 letters 0 synonyms
10. combination 11 letters 92 synonyms
11. conspiracy 10 letters 30 synonyms
12. demo 4 letters 7 synonyms
13. demonstration 13 letters 53 synonyms
14. fencesitter 11 letters 2 synonyms
15. independent 11 letters 53 synonyms
16. interventionism 15 letters 0 synonyms
17. mandate 7 letters 39 synonyms
18. manifestation 13 letters 63 synonyms
19. minimalist 10 letters 0 synonyms
20. muckraker 9 letters 1 synonym
21. mudslinger 10 letters 1 synonym
22. mugwump 7 letters 2 synonyms
23. nominating address 17 letters 2 synonyms
24. nominating speech 16 letters 2 synonyms
25. nomination 10 letters 17 synonyms
26. off-message 10 letters 0 synonyms
27. on message 9 letters 1 synonym
28. on-message 9 letters 1 synonym
29. patronage 9 letters 48 synonyms
30. regular 7 letters 123 synonyms
31. side 4 letters 56 synonyms
32. soviets 7 letters 0 synonyms
33. stakeholder society 18 letters 0 synonyms
34. sturm und drang 13 letters 2 synonyms
35. turbulence 10 letters 32 synonyms
36. upheaval 8 letters 28 synonyms
37. war chest 8 letters 0 synonyms
38. wilderness 10 letters 11 synonyms
3 topics
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. geopolitics 11 letters 0 synonyms
2. practical politics 17 letters 1 synonym
3. realpolitik 11 letters 1 synonym
All synonyms in one line
government, political relation, political science, political sympathies.
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