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Synonyms, definition Point of view

19 synonyms
2 definitions
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1. point of view (Noun)

19 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. angle 24 5 letters 74 synonyms
2. approach 85.1 8 letters 162 synonyms
3. aspect 25.7 6 letters 92 synonyms
4. attitude 38 8 letters 71 synonym
5. bearing 16.6 7 letters 120 synonyms
6. exposure 27.5 8 letters 57 synonyms
7. light 214 5 letters 234 synonyms
8. opinion 87.1 7 letters 110 synonyms
9. outlook 11.7 7 letters 61 synonym
10. perspective 36.3 11 letters 33 synonyms
11. point 347 5 letters 189 synonyms
12. position 162 8 letters 171 synonym
13. posture 4.47 7 letters 43 synonyms
14. presence 53.7 8 letters 45 synonyms
15. shape 52.5 5 letters 157 synonyms
16. slant 1.51 5 letters 84 synonyms
17. stand 138 5 letters 145 synonyms
18. standpoint 4.47 10 letters 14 synonyms
19. viewpoint 4.37 9 letters 31 synonym
2 definitions
point of view (Noun) —   A mental position from which things are viewed 1 example
1. ex. "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"
point of view (Noun) —   The spatial property of the position from which something is observed
4 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. position 8 letters 171 synonym
2. posture 7 letters 43 synonyms
3. spatial relation 15 letters 1 synonym
4. stance 6 letters 17 synonyms
6 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. angle 5 letters 74 synonyms
2. camera angle 11 letters 0 synonyms
3. cityscape 9 letters 0 synonyms
4. complexion 10 letters 27 synonyms
5. landscape 9 letters 30 synonyms
6. slant 5 letters 84 synonyms
18 misspelling
oint of view opint of view piont of view poiint of viiew poimt of view poinnt of view point of veiw point of vie point of vieew point of vieww point of viwe point of vview point off view point oph view pointt of view ponit of view pooint oof view ppoint of view
With the same ending
All synonyms in one line
angle, approach, aspect, attitude, bearing, en.synonym.one, exposure, light, opinion, outlook, perspective, point, position, posture, presence, shape, slant, stand, standpoint, viewpoint.
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