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Synonyms, overhead antonyms, definition Overhead

38 synonyms
2 antonyms
9 definitions
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1. overhead (o)

7 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. above 158 5 letters 51 synonym
2. aloft 1.2 5 letters 36 synonyms
3. beyond 95.5 6 letters 68 synonyms
4. higher 151 6 letters 30 synonyms
5. on top of 350 7 letters 24 synonyms
6. over 1200 4 letters 136 synonyms
7. superior 28.8 8 letters 129 synonyms

2. overhead (a)

12 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. aloft 1.2 5 letters 36 synonyms
2. beyond 95.5 6 letters 68 synonyms
3. ceiling 15.1 7 letters 34 synonyms
4. hanging 31.6 7 letters 45 synonyms
5. higher 151 6 letters 30 synonyms
6. on top of 350 7 letters 24 synonyms
7. over 1200 4 letters 136 synonyms
8. superior 28.8 8 letters 129 synonyms
9. top 372 3 letters 130 synonyms
10. upper 52.5 5 letters 42 synonyms
11. upstairs 7.41 8 letters 9 synonyms
12. upward 5.13 6 letters 24 synonyms

3. overhead (Noun)

12 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. budget items 31.5 11 letters 3 synonyms
2. command overhead 7.28 15 letters 3 synonyms
3. command processing overhead 5.81 25 letters 3 synonyms
4. command processing overhead time 5.79 29 letters 3 synonyms
5. depreciation 2.34 12 letters 10 synonyms
6. disk overhead 4.65 12 letters 1 synonym
7. insurance 87.1 9 letters 21 synonym
8. operating cost 42.5 13 letters 3 synonyms
9. operating expense 13 16 letters 3 synonyms
10. rent 38 4 letters 71 synonym
11. smash 12.3 5 letters 98 synonyms
12. viewgraph 0 9 letters 1 synonym
6 definitions
overhead (Noun) —   (tax) the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
overhead (Noun) —   (computing) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
overhead (Noun) —   (computing) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing
overhead (Noun) —   A transparency for use with an overhead projector
overhead (Noun) —   (nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship
overhead (Noun) —   A hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head
10 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. ceiling 7 letters 34 synonyms
2. disbursal 9 letters 4 synonyms
3. disbursement 12 letters 17 synonyms
4. disc space 9 letters 1 synonym
5. disk space 9 letters 1 synonym
6. expense 7 letters 26 synonyms
7. foil 4 letters 52 synonyms
8. processing time 14 letters 0 synonyms
9. return 6 letters 161 synonym
10. transparency 12 letters 17 synonyms
3 parts of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. access time 10 letters 0 synonyms
2. cabin 5 letters 35 synonyms
3. operating budget 15 letters 0 synonyms

4. overhead (a/o)

7 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. aloft 1.2 5 letters 36 synonyms
2. ceiling 15.1 7 letters 34 synonyms
3. hanging 31.6 7 letters 45 synonyms
4. over 1200 4 letters 136 synonyms
5. top 372 3 letters 130 synonyms
6. upper 52.5 5 letters 42 synonyms
7. upward 5.13 6 letters 24 synonyms

5. overhead (Adjective)

2 antonyms
# Word Number of letters Number of antonyms
1. subsurface 10 letters 2 antonyms
2. surface 7 letters 2 antonyms
1 definition
overhead (Adjective) —   Located or originating from above 1 example
1. ex. "an overhead crossing"

6. overhead (Adverb)

2 definitions
overhead (Adverb) —   Directly above; in the sky above 1 example
1. ex. "planes were flying overhead"
overhead (Adverb) —   Above the head; over the head 1 example
1. ex. "bring the legs together overhead"
10 misspelling
ooverhead oveerheead overhaed overhea overheaad overheadd overhhead overrhead ovverhead verhead
With the same beginning
All synonyms in one line
above, aloft, beyond, higher, on top of, en.synonym.one, over, superior, aloft, beyond, ceiling, hanging, higher, en.synonym.one, on top of, over, superior, top, upper, upstairs, upward, budget items, command overhead, command processing overhead, command processing overhead time, depreciation, en.synonym.one, disk overhead, insurance, operating cost, operating expense, rent, smash, viewgraph, aloft, ceiling, hanging, over, top, en.synonym.one, upper, upward.
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