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Synonyms, lady antonyms, definition Lady

35 synonyms
1 antonym
3 definitions
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1. lady (Noun) Brit

35 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. adult 63.1 5 letters 39 synonyms
2. aristocrat 0.98 10 letters 23 synonyms
3. broad 33.9 5 letters 93 synonyms
4. citizen 24.5 7 letters 15 synonyms
5. dame 9.12 4 letters 31 synonym
6. dowager 0.71 7 letters 6 synonyms
7. female 100 6 letters 25 synonyms
8. gentleman 14.5 9 letters 27 synonyms
9. gentlewoman 0.11 11 letters 16 synonyms
10. girl 240 4 letters 42 synonyms
11. grown-up 45.9 7 letters 15 synonyms
12. high-born woman 69.6 13 letters 2 synonyms
13. hussy 0.15 5 letters 23 synonyms
14. lord 126 4 letters 52 synonyms
15. ma'am 39.8 5 letters 4 synonyms
16. madam 3.89 5 letters 16 synonyms
17. maid 7.24 4 letters 24 synonyms
18. man 661 3 letters 100 synonyms
19. matriarch 0.51 9 letters 32 synonyms
20. matronen.synonym.one 1.02 6 letters 29 synonyms
21. mother 174 6 letters 39 synonyms
22. noble 17.4 5 letters 118 synonyms
23. nobleman 1.05 8 letters 14 synonyms
24. noblesse 0.2 8 letters 8 synonyms
25. noblewoman 0.12 10 letters 9 synonyms
26. patrician 0.44 9 letters 28 synonyms
27. peer 13.8 4 letters 52 synonyms
28. peeress 0.02 7 letters 8 synonyms
29. widow 12 5 letters 9 synonyms
30. wife 170 4 letters 18 synonyms
31. woman 224 5 letters 42 synonyms
32. woman of breeding 11.4 15 letters 7 synonyms
33. woman of culture 72.3 14 letters 7 synonyms
34. woman of good birth 44.9 16 letters 7 synonyms
35. woman of quality 81.5 14 letters 7 synonyms
1 antonym
# Word Number of letters Number of antonyms
1. lord 4 letters 1 antonym
3 definitions
lady (Noun) —   A polite name for any woman 1 example
1. ex. "a nice lady at the library helped me"
lady (Noun) —   A woman of refinement 1 example
1. ex. "a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady"
lady (Noun) —   A woman of the peerage in Britain
3 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. adult female 11 letters 1 synonym
2. female aristocrat 16 letters 0 synonyms
3. woman 5 letters 42 synonyms
18 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. amy lyon 7 letters 2 synonyms
2. baroness 8 letters 0 synonyms
3. begum 5 letters 0 synonyms
4. borgia 6 letters 8 synonyms
5. countess 8 letters 0 synonyms
6. duchess 7 letters 0 synonyms
7. duchess of ferrara 16 letters 2 synonyms
8. godiva 6 letters 1 synonym
9. grande dame 10 letters 0 synonyms
10. hamilton 8 letters 6 synonyms
11. lady emma hamilton 16 letters 2 synonyms
12. lady godiva 10 letters 1 synonym
13. lady-in-waiting 13 letters 0 synonyms
14. lucrezia borgia 14 letters 2 synonyms
15. madame 6 letters 0 synonyms
16. marchioness 11 letters 1 synonym
17. marquise 8 letters 2 synonyms
18. milady 6 letters 0 synonyms
2 parts of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. baronage 8 letters 1 synonym
2. peerage 7 letters 5 synonyms
6 misspelling
ady laady lad laddy ladyy llady
All synonyms in one line
adult, aristocrat, broad, citizen, dame, en.synonym.one, dowager, female, gentleman, gentlewoman, girl, grown-up, high-born woman, hussy, lord, ma'am, madam, maid, man, matriarch, matron, mother, noble, nobleman, noblesse, noblewoman, en.synonym.one, patrician, peer, peeress, widow, wife, woman, woman of breeding, woman of culture, woman of good birth, woman of quality.
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