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Synonyms, definition Fetch

10 synonyms
6 definitions
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1. fetch (Verb)

10 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. bring 186 5 letters 52 synonyms
2. bring in 184 7 letters 19 synonyms
3. carry 77.6 5 letters 129 synonyms
4. convey 6.76 6 letters 70 synonyms
5. get 1910 3 letters 175 synonyms
6. go after 585 7 letters 28 synonyms
7. go for 970 5 letters 16 synonyms
8. lug 1.23 3 letters 59 synonyms
9. obtain 25.1 6 letters 105 synonyms
10. retrieve 4.9 8 letters 30 synonyms
3 definitions
fetch (Verb) —   Go or come after and bring or take back 1 example
1. ex. "The dog fetched the hat"
fetch (Verb) —   Be sold for a certain price 1 example
1. ex. "The old print fetched a high price at the auction"
fetch (Verb) —   Take away or remove 1 example
1. ex. "The devil will fetch you!"
9 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. bring 5 letters 52 synonyms
2. channel 7 letters 124 synonyms
3. channelise 10 letters 13 synonyms
4. channelize 10 letters 13 synonyms
5. convey 6 letters 70 synonyms
6. take 4 letters 209 synonyms
7. transfer 8 letters 90 synonyms
8. transmit 8 letters 63 synonyms
9. transport 9 letters 96 synonyms
2 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. deliver 7 letters 124 synonyms
2. retrieve 8 letters 30 synonyms

2. fetch (Noun)

3 definitions
fetch (Noun) —   The action of fetching
fetch (Noun) —   Distance of water surface exposed to wind for making waves
fetch (Noun) —   A stratagem, trick or artifice
1 type of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. action 6 letters 111 synonyms
10 misspelling
etch feetch fetc fetcch fetchh fethc fetkh fettch ffetch phetch
With the same beginning
All synonyms in one line
bring, bring in, carry, convey, get, en.synonym.one, go after, go for, lug, obtain, retrieve.
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