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Synonyms, definition Dipped
10 synonyms
15 definitions
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1. dipped (Adjective)
3 synonyms
# | Word | Frequency | Likes | Number of letters | Number of synonyms |
1. | lordotic | 0 |
8 letters | 3 synonyms |
2. | swayback | 0.01 |
8 letters | 3 synonyms |
3. | swaybacked | 0 |
10 letters | 3 synonyms |
1 definition
dipped (Adjective) — | Having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses) |
2. dipped (Verb)
7 synonyms
# | Word | Frequency | Likes | Number of letters | Number of synonyms |
1. | dimmed | 0.56 |
6 letters | 5 synonyms |
2. | doused | 0.42 |
6 letters | 0 synonyms |
3. | ducked | 1.02 |
6 letters | 0 synonyms |
4. | dunked | 0.46 |
6 letters | 0 synonyms |
5. | plunged | 2.51 |
7 letters | 0 synonyms |
6. | sank | 5.01 |
4 letters | 0 synonyms |
7. | soused | 0.05 |
6 letters | 60 synonyms |
14 definitions
dipped (Verb) — | Immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate 1 example |
1. ex. "dip the brush into the paint" | |
dipped (Verb) — | (of food) put into a liquid to absorb some of it 1 example |
1. ex. "She dipped the piece of bread in the sauce" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Go down momentarily 1 example |
1. ex. "Prices dipped" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Stain an object by immersing it in a liquid |
dipped (Verb) — | Take a small amount from 1 example |
1. ex. "I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam |
dipped (Verb) — | Lower briefly 1 example |
1. ex. "She dipped her knee" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Appear to move downward 1 example |
1. ex. "The sun dipped below the horizon" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Slope downwards 1 example |
1. ex. "Our property dips towards the river" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Immerse into a liquid 1 example |
1. ex. "He dipped into the pool" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax |
dipped (Verb) — | Immerse in a disinfectant solution 1 example |
1. ex. "dip the sheep" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Plunge (one's hand or a receptacle) into a container 1 example |
1. ex. "He dipped into his pocket" | |
dipped (Verb) — | Scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface 1 example |
1. ex. "dip water out of a container" |
27 types of
# | Word | Number of letters | Number of synonyms | ||
1. | ate | 3 letters | 11 synonyms | ||
2. | brought down | 11 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
3. | changed intensity | 16 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
4. | created from raw material | 22 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
5. | created from raw stuff | 19 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
6. | declined | 8 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
7. | drew | 4 letters | 41 synonym | ||
8. | drew off | 7 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
9. | got down | 7 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
10. | immersed | 8 letters | 13 synonyms | ||
11. | inclined | 8 letters | 39 synonyms | ||
12. | let down | 7 letters | 18 synonyms | ||
13. | lifted out | 9 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
14. | lowered | 7 letters | 6 synonyms | ||
15. | pitched | 7 letters | 19 synonyms | ||
16. | plunged | 7 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
17. | scooped | 7 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
18. | scooped out | 10 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
19. | scooped up | 9 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
20. | sloped | 6 letters | 9 synonyms | ||
21. | stained | 7 letters | 32 synonyms | ||
22. | took down | 8 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
23. | took out | 7 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
24. | took up | 6 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
25. | waned | 5 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
26. | went down | 8 letters | 0 synonyms | ||
27. | withdrew | 8 letters | 0 synonyms |
3 types
Similar words
— unfit |
With the same ending
All synonyms in one line
lordotic, swayback, swaybacked, dimmed, doused, ducked, dunked, plunged, en.synonym.one, sank, soused.
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