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Synonyms, definition Crew

33 synonyms
5 definitions
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1. crew (Noun)

33 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. assemblage 0.87 10 letters 65 synonyms
2. assembly 40.7 8 letters 75 synonyms
3. band 83.2 4 letters 114 synonyms
4. body 251 4 letters 126 synonyms
5. bunch 37.2 5 letters 72 synonyms
6. bundle 8.51 6 letters 51 synonym
7. cadre 1.1 5 letters 15 synonyms
8. cast 61.7 4 letters 263 synonyms
9. clique 1.41 6 letters 46 synonyms
10. cluster 9.77 7 letters 44 synonyms
11. company 398 7 letters 123 synonyms
12. complement 5.89 10 letters 50 synonyms
13. contingent 4.9 10 letters 46 synonyms
14. corps 18.6 5 letters 19 synonyms
15. crowd 50.1 5 letters 117 synonyms
16. gang 31.6 4 letters 45 synonyms
17. gathering 17.8 9 letters 88 synonyms
18. group 372 5 letters 144 synonyms
19. horde 1.7 5 letters 30 synonyms
20. knoten.synonym.one 5.25 4 letters 77 synonyms
21. mob 10.7 3 letters 67 synonyms
22. organisation 22.9 12 letters 137 synonyms
23. organization 83.2 12 letters 126 synonyms
24. pack 45.7 4 letters 148 synonyms
25. party 309 5 letters 99 synonyms
26. personnel 36.3 9 letters 10 synonyms
27. set 389 3 letters 325 synonyms
28. squad 46.8 5 letters 29 synonyms
29. staff 120 5 letters 36 synonyms
30. team 468 4 letters 45 synonyms
31. trio 8.71 4 letters 25 synonyms
32. troupe 1.78 6 letters 19 synonyms
33. work party 231 9 letters 2 synonyms
4 definitions
crew (Noun) —   The men and women who man a vehicle (ship, aircraft, etc.)
crew (Noun) —   An organized group of workmen
crew (Noun) —   An informal body of friends 1 example
1. ex. "he still hangs out with the same crew"
crew (Noun) —   The team of men manning a racing shell
6 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. assemblage 10 letters 65 synonyms
2. gathering 9 letters 88 synonyms
3. social unit 10 letters 1 synonym
4. squad 5 letters 29 synonyms
5. team 4 letters 45 synonyms
6. unit 4 letters 65 synonyms
11 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. air crew 7 letters 1 synonym
2. aircrew 7 letters 1 synonym
3. chain gang 9 letters 0 synonyms
4. detail 6 letters 48 synonyms
5. ground crew 10 letters 1 synonym
6. ground-service crew 17 letters 1 synonym
7. merchant marine 14 letters 4 synonyms
8. road gang 8 letters 0 synonyms
9. section gang 11 letters 0 synonyms
10. shift 5 letters 127 synonyms
11. stage crew 9 letters 0 synonyms
5 parts
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. co-pilot 7 letters 1 synonym
2. copilot 7 letters 1 synonym
3. crew member 10 letters 1 synonym
4. crewman 7 letters 2 synonyms
5. submariner 10 letters 0 synonyms
7 parts of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. company 7 letters 123 synonyms
2. hands 5 letters 20 synonyms
3. manpower 8 letters 4 synonyms
4. men 3 letters 37 synonyms
5. ship's company 13 letters 1 synonym
6. work force 9 letters 4 synonyms
7. workforce 9 letters 4 synonyms

2. crew (Verb)

1 definition
crew (Verb) —   Serve as a crew member on
1 type of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. man 3 letters 100 synonyms
8 misspelling
ccrew cre creew creww crrew crwe krew rew
All synonyms in one line
assemblage, assembly, band, body, bunch, en.synonym.one, bundle, cadre, cast, clique, cluster, company, complement, contingent, corps, crowd, gang, gathering, group, horde, knot, mob, organisation, organization, pack, party, en.synonym.one, personnel, set, squad, staff, team, trio, troupe, work party.
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