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Synonyms, definition Any

22 synonyms
2 definitions
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1. any (o)

8 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. all 3310 3 letters 53 synonyms
2. each 490 4 letters 31 synonym
3. every 617 5 letters 22 synonyms
4. individual 100 10 letters 90 synonyms
5. not much 830 7 letters 12 synonyms
6. particular 100 10 letters 139 synonyms
7. separate 67.6 8 letters 209 synonyms
8. specific 107 8 letters 61 synonym

2. any (a)

12 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. all 3310 3 letters 53 synonyms
2. any one 840 6 letters 9 synonyms
3. anyone 240 6 letters 7 synonyms
4. each 490 4 letters 31 synonym
5. every 617 5 letters 22 synonyms
6. individual 100 10 letters 90 synonyms
7. not much 830 7 letters 12 synonyms
8. one 2950 3 letters 80 synonyms
9. particular 100 10 letters 139 synonyms
10. separate 67.6 8 letters 209 synonyms
11. some 1580 4 letters 30 synonyms
12. specific 107 8 letters 61 synonym

3. any (Adjective)

2 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. whatever 138 8 letters 2 synonyms
2. whatsoever 9.77 10 letters 2 synonyms
1 definition
any (Adjective) —   One, some, every or all without specification 9 examples
1. ex. "give me any peaches you don't want"
2. ex. "not any milk is left"
3. ex. "any child would know that"
4. ex. "pick any card"
5. ex. "any day now"
6. ex. "cars can be rented at almost any airport"
7. ex. "at twilight or any other time"
8. ex. "beyond any doubt"
9. ex. "need any help we can get"

4. any (Adverb)

1 definition
any (Adverb) —   To any degree or extent 1 example
1. ex. "it isn't any better"
Similar words
aim anew annoy anyhow
anyway some
6 misspelling
aany amy an anny anyy ny
All synonyms in one line
all, each, every, individual, not much, en.synonym.one, particular, separate, specific, all, any one, anyone, each, every, en.synonym.one, individual, not much, one, particular, separate, some, specific, whatever, whatsoever.
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