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Synonyms, definition Shank

17 synonyms
9 definitions
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1. shank (Noun)

17 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. axle 3.09 4 letters 17 synonyms
2. bar 87.1 3 letters 190 synonyms
3. butt 19.1 4 letters 123 synonyms
4. cane 5.75 4 letters 26 synonyms
5. cannon 10.5 6 letters 3 synonyms
6. crop 14.1 4 letters 77 synonyms
7. grip 12.9 4 letters 104 synonyms
8. haft 0.17 4 letters 8 synonyms
9. handle 61.7 6 letters 122 synonyms
10. knob 3.09 4 letters 97 synonyms
11. leg 45.7 3 letters 28 synonyms
12. limb 5.01 4 letters 35 synonyms
13. member 151 6 letters 70 synonyms
14. pole 17 4 letters 46 synonyms
15. shaft 7.94 5 letters 149 synonyms
16. stem 20 4 letters 61 synonym
17. waist 9.12 5 letters 2 synonyms
8 definitions
shank (Noun) —   A cut of meat (beef, veal, mutton or lamb) from the lower part of the leg
shank (Noun) —   The part of the human leg between the knee and the ankle
shank (Noun) —   Cylinder forming a long narrow part of something
shank (Noun) —   Cylinder forming the part of a bolt between the thread and the head
shank (Noun) —   Cylinder forming the part of a bit by which it is held in the drill
shank (Noun) —   The narrow part of the shoe connecting the heel and the wide part of the sole
shank (Noun) —   Lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals
shank (Noun) —   A poor golf stroke in which the heel of the club hits the ball
9 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. body part 8 letters 0 synonyms
2. cut 3 letters 310 synonyms
3. cut of meat 9 letters 1 synonym
4. cylinder 8 letters 24 synonyms
5. golf shot 8 letters 2 synonyms
6. golf stroke 10 letters 2 synonyms
7. part 4 letters 183 synonyms
8. portion 7 letters 144 synonyms
9. swing 5 letters 107 synonyms
2 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. foreshank 9 letters 0 synonyms
2. hindshank 9 letters 0 synonyms
3 parts
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. calf 4 letters 16 synonyms
2. cannon bone 10 letters 0 synonyms
3. sura 4 letters 1 synonym
17 parts of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. anchor 6 letters 47 synonyms
2. animal leg 9 letters 0 synonyms
3. bit 3 letters 115 synonyms
4. bolt 4 letters 101 synonym
5. grip 4 letters 104 synonyms
6. ground tackle 12 letters 1 synonym
7. handgrip 8 letters 13 synonyms
8. handle 6 letters 122 synonyms
9. hold 4 letters 294 synonyms
10. hoofed mammal 12 letters 1 synonym
11. key 3 letters 84 synonyms
12. leg 3 letters 28 synonyms
13. nail 4 letters 65 synonyms
14. pin 3 letters 111 synonyms
15. sole 4 letters 52 synonyms
16. ungulate 8 letters 4 synonyms
17. wineglass 9 letters 0 synonyms

2. shank (Verb)

1 definition
shank (Verb) —   (golf) hit (a golf ball) with the heel of a club, causing the ball to veer in the wrong direction
1 type of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. hit 3 letters 198 synonyms
11 misspelling
hank shaank shamk shan shanc shanck shankk shannk shhank sshank zhank
All synonyms in one line
axle, bar, butt, cane, cannon, en.synonym.one, crop, grip, haft, handle, knob, leg, limb, member, pole, shaft, stem, waist.
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