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Synonyms, definition Give and take

22 synonyms
4 definitions
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1. give and take (Noun)

15 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. backchat 0.03 8 letters 10 synonyms
2. banter 3.02 6 letters 33 synonyms
3. bargaining 4.37 10 letters 18 synonyms
4. compromise 14.1 10 letters 64 synonyms
5. concession 3.72 10 letters 56 synonyms
6. discussion 51.3 10 letters 62 synonyms
7. interchange 3.09 11 letters 47 synonyms
8. josh 22.4 4 letters 17 synonyms
9. raillery 0.01 8 letters 34 synonyms
10. rapprochement 0.42 13 letters 7 synonyms
11. reciprocation 0.18 13 letters 2 synonyms
12. reconciliation 5.25 14 letters 19 synonyms
13. settlement 30.9 10 letters 110 synonyms
14. truce 3.31 5 letters 10 synonyms
15. word 182 4 letters 79 synonyms
3 definitions
give and take (Noun) —   An exchange of views on some topic 1 example
1. ex. "we had a good give-and-take"
give and take (Noun) —   Light teasing repartee
give and take (Noun) —   Mutual interaction; the activity of reciprocating or exchanging (especially information)
9 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. interaction 11 letters 10 synonyms
2. language 8 letters 29 synonyms
3. oral communication 17 letters 6 synonyms
4. repartee 8 letters 36 synonyms
5. speech 6 letters 50 synonyms
6. speech communication 19 letters 6 synonyms
7. spoken communication 19 letters 6 synonyms
8. spoken language 14 letters 6 synonyms
9. voice communication 18 letters 6 synonyms
21 type
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. argument 8 letters 89 synonyms
2. argumentation 13 letters 18 synonyms
3. badinage 8 letters 0 synonyms
4. conference 10 letters 39 synonyms
5. cross-fertilisation 18 letters 1 synonym
6. cross-fertilization 18 letters 1 synonym
7. dealings 8 letters 19 synonyms
8. debate 6 letters 81 synonym
9. deliberation 12 letters 31 synonym
10. dialogue 8 letters 26 synonyms
11. group discussion 15 letters 1 synonym
12. negotiation 11 letters 25 synonyms
13. panel discussion 15 letters 0 synonyms
14. persiflage 10 letters 0 synonyms
15. post-mortem 10 letters 12 synonyms
16. postmortem 10 letters 7 synonyms
17. public discussion 16 letters 1 synonym
18. reciprocity 11 letters 14 synonyms
19. talks 5 letters 21 synonym
20. traffic 7 letters 39 synonyms
21. ventilation 11 letters 14 synonyms

2. give and take (Verb)

7 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. bandy 0.36 5 letters 11 synonyms
2. exchange 70.8 8 letters 86 synonyms
3. reciprocate 0.6 11 letters 17 synonyms
4. requite 0.05 7 letters 35 synonyms
5. retaliate 1.26 9 letters 18 synonyms
6. retort 0.78 6 letters 41 synonym
7. return 155 6 letters 161 synonym
1 definition
give and take (Verb) —   Make mutual concessions 1 example
1. ex. "In life you have to give and take"
1 type of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. compromise 10 letters 64 synonyms
Similar words
— given to — go beyond
14 misspelling
ggive and take giive and take give aand taake give amd take give and tace give and tacke give and tak give and takke give and ttake give andd take give annd take givee and takee givve and take ive and take
With the same beginning
With the same ending
All synonyms in one line
backchat, banter, bargaining, compromise, concession, en.synonym.one, discussion, interchange, josh, raillery, rapprochement, reciprocation, reconciliation, settlement, truce, word, bandy, exchange, reciprocate, requite, retaliate, en.synonym.one, retort, return.
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