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Synonyms, definition Carbon

11 synonyms
4 definitions
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1. carbon (Noun)

11 synonyms
# Word Frequency Likes Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. atomic number 6 9.12 13 letters 2 synonyms
2. c 214 1 letter 23 synonyms
3. carbon copy 22.1 10 letters 2 synonyms
4. carbon paper 27.3 11 letters 1 synonym
5. copy 58.9 4 letters 117 synonyms
6. duplicate 3.89 9 letters 69 synonyms
7. image 87.1 5 letters 121 synonym
8. imitation 2.95 9 letters 69 synonyms
9. issue 170 5 letters 213 synonyms
10. manifold 2.09 8 letters 59 synonyms
11. photostat 0.05 9 letters 12 synonyms
4 definitions
carbon (Noun) —   An abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds
carbon (Noun) —   A thin paper coated on one side with a dark waxy substance (often containing carbon); used to transfer characters from the original to an under sheet of paper
carbon (Noun) —   A copy made with carbon paper
carbon (Noun) —   Fossil fuel use, regarded as a contributor to global warming; the amount of carbon dioxide contributed to the atmosphere by a process or activity, or the amount of carbon in the carbon dioxide released
4 types of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. chemical element 15 letters 1 synonym
2. copy 4 letters 117 synonyms
3. element 7 letters 61 synonym
4. paper 5 letters 81 synonym
18 types
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. activated carbon 15 letters 1 synonym
2. activated charcoal 17 letters 1 synonym
3. adamant 7 letters 40 synonyms
4. black lead 9 letters 2 synonyms
5. carbon 14 8 letters 1 synonym
6. carbon black 11 letters 4 synonyms
7. char 4 letters 42 synonyms
8. charcoal 8 letters 8 synonyms
9. crock 5 letters 5 synonyms
10. diamond 7 letters 22 synonyms
11. fullerene 9 letters 0 synonyms
12. graphite 8 letters 2 synonyms
13. lampblack 9 letters 4 synonyms
14. plumbago 8 letters 2 synonyms
15. radiocarbon 11 letters 1 synonym
16. smut 4 letters 35 synonyms
17. soot 4 letters 25 synonyms
18. wood coal 8 letters 3 synonyms
9 parts of
# Word Number of letters Number of synonyms
1. black gold 9 letters 6 synonyms
2. coal 4 letters 9 synonyms
3. crude 5 letters 119 synonyms
4. crude oil 8 letters 6 synonyms
5. fossil oil 9 letters 6 synonyms
6. limestone 9 letters 0 synonyms
7. oil 3 letters 22 synonyms
8. petroleum 9 letters 17 synonyms
9. rock oil 7 letters 6 synonyms
10 misspelling
arbon caarbon carbbon carbo carbom carbonn carboon carrbon ccarbon karbon
All synonyms in one line
atomic number 6, c, carbon copy, carbon paper, copy, en.synonym.one, duplicate, image, imitation, issue, manifold, photostat.
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